Wattletree Health Group provides exceptional in-home nursing services in Carnegie and surrounding areas. So please contact us if you or a loved one have a health condition that requires exceptional in home nursing care by experienced registered nurses, short term or long term, or to learn more about our comprehensive home nurse home care services.
Caring for your health in the comfort of your own home is easier than ever with Wattletree Health Group’s nurses for home care. Whatever your needs, our nurses home services are tailored to your unique needs and provide personalised attention and care while minimising the need for hospital or GP visits.
Our team of experienced and passionate in home registered nurses are committed to providing flexible, compassionate and competent care tailored to your unique needs for children and adults needing:
- Wound care (VAC dressings, drain tubes, staple/suture removal, acute & chronic wounds)
- Wellbeing and general health assessments
- Illness and injury support
- Palliative care and symptom management
- End of life care
- After hospital discharge care
- Night & day respite for carers of family members with high care needs (adults and children)
- My Aged Care Home Care Package (HCP) and Community Aged Care Package (CACP) clinical nurse visits
- NDIS clinical nurse visits (we are registered NDIS providers)
- Medication administration and management (tablets, injections, syringe drivers, IV infusions)
- Post surgery care
- Pain management
- Stoma care
- Continence assessments and management
- Catheter care and management (including suprapubic catheters [SPC], indwelling catheters [IDC] and trial of voids [TOV])
- Diabetic care and diabetes management
- Nursing assessments
- Cognitive assessments
- Pathology collection
- Respiratory care (including home ventilation, tracheostomy care)
- Health system navigation and My Aged Care referral assistance
- Travel/holiday support (local/interstate/overseas)
- Alternative & complementary therapies support (faecal microbial transplant enemas, IV vitamin infusions etc)
- Workplace flu vaccination services
- Health & wellness coaching
Your specific healthcare need not on the list? contact us
See more about our services, or please contact us for more information.
Wattletree Health Group … for Exceptional in-home nursing services in Carnegie.